Sara de Clercq - 23 May 2021
We aren’t just random things in reality, we are portals of transformation.
We are constantly transforming and changing. As moving trans-form-ing.
Where form informs Form.
And the flavour, texture and shape form takes, is directly influenced by how we perceive ourselves in reality and how we perceive reality at large.
As we transform, the world transforms. As the world transforms, we transform.
This might not be anything new to you so let’s go a bit deeper.
Thoughts and feelings (in coaching we refer to these as energy in motion) take a particular colour, shape, texture and/or flavour based on an interpretation by a reference point - the self-structure/identity. A particular feature, trait or attribute.
These thoughts and feelings carry particular meanings and ideas.
These meanings or ideas can be resourceful or unresourceful.
From a relative perspective, we can say that resourceful energies in motion are better than unresourceful energies.
Re-framing unresourceful energies into resourceful ones can massively increase one's life quality and overall feeling of fulfillment and happiness in life.
In coaching, we work a lot with re-framing, especially in the beginning of the coaching process.
This is to allow the individual for more spaciousness and an increased ability to hold multiple perspectives.
This allows for more choice and flexibility in everyday life. Overwhelming, anxious and depressive thoughts very naturally flow away.
Whilst this is very useful and effective, it’s not sufficient.
Now we’ve cleared through some of the macro blockages. Often, individuals in coaching get curious and want to discover in more depth the nature of the self-structure and the nature of reality.
We then address the more subtle happenings in mind-body and awareness.
From awareness observing the process of thoughts, feelings and emotions changes the very make-up and nature of the energies being observed.
That’s the power of meditation.
As one starts to engage in observing the process of the energies, it becomes obvious that we story ourselves into existence.
As an ongoing process.
Thoughts and feelings are a process that keep themselves alive. As a story.
Whilst these stories definitely don’t always seem to be about fears, it actually is. As a protection mechanism.
As Roy Bhaskar, English philosopher of science best known as the initiator of the philosophical movement of critical realism, put it:
Fear is the polar opposite of love. Stemming from existential insecurity (produced by alienation from self) and coupled to attachment (in the negative guise of aversion) fear contracts, divides, splits, alienates, wounds.
Surrendering into the moment, to release the ‘known’ into the ‘unknown’.
That is the work.
To come from that place can take an immense amount of courage.
The courage to let the moments lead us, without ‘control’ ‘holding on’ or ‘desires and attachments’.
From this place, we can truly and freely express ourselves.
As creativity itself.
As love itself.
As presence itself.
As playfulness iself.
True expression.
From a place that is already real and true about you and each and every one-of-us.
The only relationship you have is a true, genuine relationship with the moment.
Since god is also inter alia unconditional love ( unbounded peace and infinite joy or happiness) and we are essentially Godlike, the most appropriate (correct, best possible) ethical and political stance is one of unconditional love for our essential selves, and that of each and every other being and the environment we inhabit. - Roy Bhaskar
The above text from Bhaskar resonated deeply.
Can we be, on an individual and social level, fully and lovingly engaged in life and with the world, with a complete non-attachment simultaneously?
Can we allow ourselves to enfold back into truth?
All is love and all is moving.
You are as love and as the constantly moving reality.
The above blog points to some of the topics we will be speaking, sensing into, and getting super clear on at our upcoming Retreat in the Byron Hinterland.
Interested in joining?, Click here.
Book: From East to West - Roy Bhaskar