Sara de Clercq - 15 July 2020
One of the first things that hooked me about art, is that one has to listen.
And not just any listening. Listening to the deeper layers of sounds and sights.
To the deeper layers of what is actually in front of us.
The first time I truly recognized this, was when I noticed:
Art is not about thinking something up.
It is the exact opposite.
It’s about getting something down.
Instead of reaching for inventions, we are engaged in listening and seeing.
For me, art has been a deep practice of listening. Listening to the within and listening to the without.
Paradoxically, I found that listening can only happen in the face of stillness.
Stillness allows for seeing.
Silence allows for listening.
And therefore, the quality of silence deepens the quality of listening.
After a while, noticing shifts in myself in the way I started to relate to the world around me, other people and (my)self. In a more true, deeper and meaningful way.
I started to ask how listening could allow groups of people to see more cleanly.
In western society nowadays, we’ve forgotten to listen.
And more so how to listen.
Life is full, noisy and busy. So we tend to overlook, turn away and listen selectively.
The questions that started to come through mind more and more were:
“Are we collectively terrified of the exact opposite? Is the noise that we see and hear outside a direct reflection of the noise within? Could listening actually be the pathway to all fundamental beauty?”
From my experience and perspective all of the above are true.
Deep Listening starts with our willingness to be still and step into openness.
A curiosity to listen to the meaning behind the words, the meaning behind the happenings and the meaning behind the noise.
Listen deeply to ask the right questions in the right way.
And a courage to be still and silent and look into the eyes of another person and see the fundamental origin of all life.
Listening seems to hold a big scale of possibilities.
What would happen if we can all listen differently to each other, ourselves and the world and change the course of events. It might change lives, for direct loved-ones and future generations.
Listening is fundamental to dialogue and dialogue is a prerequisite to change.
So what would happen if the whole world would listen their way into a new era of conversation?
Interested to know more about Listening - Click HERE for more information on our next course.
LISTEN. A 7 week online course in the art and science of personal sovereignty, powerful communication and resilience hosted by YES&.
Julia Cameron
The Artist’s Way
Kathleen Macferran
The Art of Listening