Marion Giddy - 8 July 2020

The word human comes from the latin word humus, meaning earth & ground. There’s a lot in this meaning that resonates for me. We come from earth, and to earth we return. And somewhere in the middle, a beautiful expression of life itself drives through us.  

The human drive to contribute, serve, love, explore & create. 

But somehow, we get in our own way. And we find ourselves in a situation where we need to ‘master’ our selves.  

My definition of self mastery currently stands as:
The beginning realization of a misidentification of our nature as humans. And a resulting intention to correct or rediscover this nature.  

We can begin with self management, taking responsibility for our own perspective and grow into mastery, understanding this is not a destination, but a process. 

What’s the difference between self control and self mastery?

As a kid I was taught that self control was the ultimate prize. If I just hold on tightly enough, control everything enough, become a master puppeteer of organization, productivity and speed. Don’t show emotion, you can’t be moody, everything is in your control. Just be nice. 

This control is available. And it isn’t. There is a line between personal responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings & actions vs the desire to control internal & external circumstances or others actions/feelings. 

It’s called the sanity line.

The line over which we consistently step into operating out of unconscious desires, hopes, beliefs, needs. When we say to ourselves ‘it’s just me, this is just who I am, I can’t change, that’s just my personality’.  Believing and accepting that we are the prisoner in the very cage that our minds have created for themselves. 

The process of self mastery is the beginning of accepting that you have created an identity structure, your ego, that you have then become obsessed with, distracted by, and now fully live as.  Then, on the back of this realisation, stepping into the journey of unraveling, and re-covering the distance that you have travelled from yourself. 

Your true self, total expression of your perspective within the collective. Your unique version of life that is to be brought forth through your own window. Honed and refined by effective daily practices and rhythms and the agency to lead your Self through your days.

Through this acceptance, and willingness to embrace the discomfort of exploring the self, we can begin to truly be in charge of how we show up and how we contribute. Ultimately then, we begin to actually express ourselves. From a place of openness, softness and receivership instead of control and contraction. 

Expression as a leader, an artist, an entrepreneur, a parent. Showing up the way you are wanting to, the way you know in your heart you are able to. 

Self.  Mastery.

To masterfully live, as an expression of your Self. 

Keen to know more about Self Mastery -  Join us next Wednesday 15th July at 7pm for our Communication & Resilience Workshop. Click HERE for the facebook event to check it out.
