Find your Still-Point.

A 10-Week Course Designed to

Reveal Intrinsic Well-Being.

What is the soundtrack playing out in your mind?
Or the visual images / mental movies that accompany it?

The voice in mind that comments, speculates, plans and predicts, judges, compares, complains, likes, dislikes,
agrees, disagrees and so on…

These thoughts drain vital energy, cause distress and unhappiness as well as disease of the mind, body and gut.

Learn the nature of these that are specific to your personality to give you personal power, flexibility and choice.

We are hoping to bring this course to you again in 2025.

Master the mind, harness self-kindness & thrive.

Join now and get life-time access to all future Mastering Self courses.

Interested in learning more about Mastering Self?

Join us, on a journey of human maturing, with and without materialistic successes.

Experience ease, calm and clarity via the application of
Meditation and Personal Transformation through an integral framework. 

Ready to explore the profound power of creating awareness around your identity
that will free you from your blindspots and amplify your potential through
an increased power and flexibility of choice.

Three Core Principles

…based on a powerful blend of theory and practice:



Develop a consistent and life-long Meditation Practice and learn self-regulation techniques.

The ability to notice thoughts and emotions arise and pass away, rather than being merely identified with them, is a kind of superpower.

First step —> turn it into a habit.

Next step —> turn these periods of meditation into significant experiences of non-distraction—so that you can notice what consciousness is like prior to thought and live from this state of freedom.


For the purpose of living a more balanced and fulfilling life…

Using the Enneagram Personality Profiling as a tool to cultivate practices for personality growth, clarity and awareness around your traits, thinking patterns, biases and blind spots and learn how to effectively integrate and overcome them.

Read more about the Enneagram HERE.



i) Habits of Well-Being: Learn and apply the art and science behind healthy habits and practices in day-to-day life that allow the mind, body and heart to thrive.

ii) The 4 Quadrants of Reality: Understand how the patterns of personality define how you feel and think about yourself, how you show up in relationships, work and business and of service to the world and how this affects the larger economical and social system as a whole.

iii) Stages of Consciousness: Explore how humans ‘Grow Up’ through documented Stages of Development and Identify your current centre of gravity that informs your world view.

Read more about Integral Theory HERE.

This course offers up tools & perspectives from an Integrally Informed approach.
Based on Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and AQAL model and using the Riso-Hudson Insight Approach℠ - a full spectrum exploration of the Enneagram and all of its psychological and spiritual elements.

This course is for you, if you:

  • Are busy always solving problems — meeting deadlines, running errands, fulfilling desires,
    defending opinions, reacting to other people;

  • Want to understand why you do things the way you do and learn how to shift your attentional field and behaviour;

  • Want to cultivate more productivity and success in your professional life;

  • Have tried to change habits (external or internal) before, but found it difficult to break the pull of your personality i.e. the changes you’ve tried to make haven’t stuck OR (see below);

  • Feel you have it all sorted and are wondering where your edge of potential is;

  • Want more freedom, ease, joy, purpose, fulfillment, calm and peace, to feel safe and connected within yourself
    and the world around you;

  • Want to become a part of a solid and trusting community with individuals on a similar path;

  • Want to experience less fear, stress, overwhelm, insecurity, anxiety, frustration, people-pleasing, projected anger and worthlessness;

  • Want to find your place in the world and gain clarity on how ‘you may have been getting yourself in the way’ of doing so.

Course Details:
Duration: 10 weeks
31 January 2022 | To: 4 April 2022
9-11AM CEST | 8-10AM BST | 6-8PM EADT
Full Investment $745, This round join for $645 (€408/£347) or 3 payments of $215 (€136/£116) across 3 months.
Please contact us via email at if you want to join via a payment plan.

You will learn through:


- The power of meditation as a living practice, self-regulation in your day-to-day for improved stress management;

- How to direct your attention and give energy and focus to things that are important to you in the midst of day to day busy-ness and chaos;

- How to Harness kindness to self and thrive;

- How to self regulate through breath and meditation and find calm within yourself;

- (More) awareness of your personality profile and behaviours, to personally run your own brain, thoughts and states;

- How to let go of things you can’t control outside of you and re-discover the power within yourself;

- How to let go of judgmental thoughts and truly love yourself;

- How to show up with more confidence, impact and assertiveness;

- How to raise yourself above the noise and master your triggers;

- Your real and authentic self and your inherent value as a human being;

- How to enjoy doing nothing, rather than be on the go all the time;

- The depths of your conscious and unconscious patterning and personality profiling.

An Interactive and Integral approach
designed to broaden the perspective of you as an individual,
increasing your capacity for more care, compassion and powerful positive influence within the collective.

Our vision for this course is to facilitate an opening up into true self actualisation, self-leadership and autonomy, enhancing your way of seeing reality and therefore increasing impactful and powerful positive influence with-in an inter-dependent world. 

Through intentional Self Awareness practices, aligning mind, heart and gut and transformative exercises bringing you into self-actualisation.

We will combine the inner-work of self-exploration with the outer-work of relating and interacting in the world through an Integrally informed approach.

You'll walk away with effective processes and tools that you can integrate into your day-to-day, opening up to endless possibility, play and creativity.

Meet your facilitators here.

You will walk away with:

- More compassion and true love for yourself and others due to an increased understanding of differences in perspectives;

- Access to the best of the best of yourself; 

- Higher capacity to handle complex situations with ease, comfort and confidence;

- Understanding and awareness of stages of development, your centre of gravity & your potential as a human being;

- Understanding of how to utilise the gifts whilst overcoming the limitations of your personality; 

- Flexibility in all contexts and aspects of your life which will inform an overall sense of ease, joy and contentment;

- A deep connection to others in the community that are on a similar journey;

- Increased awareness of how your ‘who’ or ‘identity’ is playing out in relation with others, habits, self-leadership, work & business and choices that you make day-to-day.

Become a part of a thriving, like-minded community

over the course of the 10 weeks and beyond...


  • Karen, Rozelle, Business Owner

    Living such a busy life I realised that I needed to find a way to integrate meditation into my life to help me respond better to stressful situations and be more productive at work. I was so happy to discover a program that was fun and helped me create a lifelong habit of meditation without getting bored. The program isn't your typical meditation program... I laughed a lot and I am happy to say I've made a bunch of new friends. Dan is a passionate teacher who cares so much about every person he comes into contact with.

  • Diana, Sydney, Architect

    This program has helped me immensely to stay focused, observe my thoughts as they come & be able to clearly process & learn from them. I used to chase happiness, now I realised that having inner peace brings me equanimity & stability & practising meditation helps me cultivate my inner peace. The mediation classes have Yin & Yang activities that are absolutely fun & engaging. I got to meet a lot of like minded people & are now lifelong friends.

  • David, Drummoyne, Director Of Sales

    After the program I felt I had evolved both mentally and emotionally. The program brings a unique approach to mediation and whole new way of learning, listening and feeling. The program is fun, and makes you vulnerable at times and these are the times you grow. You have the opportunity connect with like-minded people and make new friends. The whole journey was such a great experience.

This 10-Week Course is an evolution and expansion of our previous meditation and self-mastery program that has been running for the past 6 years, with powerful and expansive additions in the form of Integral Theory and Neuro-Linguistic programming.