Be heard by your herd 

Whether that be your friends, family, work colleagues, team or any communities you may be a part of, our ability to build relationships, connect and communicate effectively is dependent upon our capacity to listen. 

Our capacity to listen is dependent upon our capacity to effectively run our own thoughts, emotions and states.

This course offers you the tools to effectively expand both of these capacities.

All the information you need about LISTEN. in the video below:

INVESTMENT: Available at $450 AUD [285€/£244]



In support of current uncertain times, we are making this course available via contribution. The course investment is $450 for full access across the 6 weeks.
We would love for you to contact us via if you're not in a position to make this financial commitment.

In a position to contribute more?
Scholarships: Contributions greater than this will allow us to offer scholarships that cover 90% of the full price of the course. If you are in a position to contribute more and have someone in mind that would benefit from a scholarship then please connect us, otherwise we will allocate them accordingly to those in need within the community.

Through this program you will learn how to:

  • Listen, speak and act from a place of sovereignty, more authenticity and agency;

  • Run your own thoughts, states and emotions;

  • Craft clarity of mind with powerful questions and deep listening;

  • Create a culture that engages the collective intelligence of a group;

  • Navigate complexity within groups or teams.

  • Strengthen your sovereignty and increase your sense-making.

  • Deepen your connection to your(self) and others.

  • Learn to enter more fully into emergent conversations.




The YES& LISTEN course is our significant educational program for businesses and teams. Delivered as an online 6-week comprehensive course in communication skills professional and personal development.

This course is specifically designed to increase your team's integral communication skills, healthy relating, and to increase emotional intelligence. 

This course focuses on facilitating and exercising explicit communication through deep listening and crafting clarity through specific questions in order to truthfully lift each other up for a real team supportive culture.



the YES& LISTEN course is our significant educational program for individuals and couples. Delivered as an online 6-week comprehensive course into personal development, communication and relationship skills. 

This course is specifically designed to increase your integral communication skills, healthy relating, and to increase emotional intelligence. 

This course focuses on facilitating and exercising explicit communication through active listening and crafting clarity through specific questions in order to deeply understand yourself and relate with others.


A 6 week online course in the art and science of personal sovereignty, powerful communication and resilience hosted by YES&.

This course is an opportunity for you to gain the self-agency, the courage and the support to be confident and step into radical self responsibility.

The course will offer up tools, techniques and principles from an Integral perspective.

A 6 week process including:

  • Week 0 - Setting you up to get the most out of the course

  • 6 x Live online sessions and Q&A's 

  • A toolkit of self-development and communication practices, working in pods of three, and larger community calls

  • You’ll have full access to all session recordings and resources to refer back to and watch over for yourself or with your team.

Course structure

What People Say:


LISTEN. has transformed my ways of previously limiting thinking and paved an opening for real-life development. The course cultivates a new way of being and connecting, in a way I had never really explored before. My interactions in daily life have been (and are continuing to be) re-shaped, allowing for truer, deeper connections.

The course delves into understanding ourselves, our perspectives, and accepting and embracing the known and the unknown.

Such broad understandings are experimented with in real-life situations, with the opportunity to actually practice together, in a space of curiosity and play. It's the perfect hub for humans to cultivate more understanding and growth together, for shared freedom to occur. YES& LISTEN have planted the seed for development and even after finishing the course, it continues to grow.

My connections are rapidly improving in previously existing relationships, and I am being opened up to the possibility in new connections, through cultivating a state of openness.

I truly feel more free in daily life... on levels I never imagined possible.

— Cate Caldis

I got so much out of it and I didn't think I would.
I think everyone should do this course.

I think not just listening but understanding others in the workplace is beneficial for an efficient and drama-free environment.

I enjoyed that it was a relaxed pace with plenty of time to think about what is being said and to reflect.

— Troy Williamson