Book a private 1.1 Breathwork session.

FBR is a bodywork technique that supports releases & shifts
of tension in particular parts of the body whilst consciously breathing. These sessions are the doorway to the subconscious mind, releasing, letting go and integrating content that is not easily accessible through traditional therapy.

This breathing technique works with natural energy and is therefore not forced. This technique truly honors the nervous system and allows the nervous system to return to its natural way of operating and functioning.

Resulting in:

  • Increased natural energy

  • Deep Nervous system balancing and emotional healing

  • Increased ability to be with emotions and hold yourself through challenging times

  • Greater compassion & acceptance of yourself and others

  • Clarity of mind, increased focus & a sense of purpose and resilience in life

  • Decrease of worry, stress & overthinking

Limiting beliefs & Blind Spots make us forget who we truly are and create self defense mechanisms and overcompensations.
The effect of these breath work sessions is otherworldly, shifting you into altered states of consciousness, recalibrating the nervous system, working through energetic blockages and leaving you in a state of deep relaxation.